Friday, February 25, 2011

One month later..........

Flooring continues to be my favorite construction job.  We have now completed the last room which was the landing upstairs.  I had to finish this project so Chad could begin with the new stair treads and iron spindles.

Chad and I are custom crafting the stair treads.  We had an assembly line today where I would sand and stain the treads and then he would cut and nail them in place. 

Another foreman showed up on the job this week and drew instructions for us to follow on building the staircase. 

Kitchen Cabinets Going Up....February 1

The big day finally arrived....well one of the big days in this project.  We started the installation of the kitchen cabinets on February 1st.  On February 2nd, Chad and his entire family was knocked down and out with horrible colds.  So we lost a week of work.  Here are a few shots of the new cabinets in various stages of installation.

First cabinet installed.  Glass fronts to be added.

Cabinet #2 up.  

Now we have a sink!

The brick work on the front walkway is now completed by Mike Tucker and Company.