Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Remodeling Project that will not end......

Well, it is now March and we are six (yes 6) months into this project.  Lots of progress has been made since my last blog.  I last reported that the stair treads were being stained and installed.  Next, we added iron spindles and wooden hand rail. 

 Finished staircase!  Finally!

Next, we had put off our dreaded project long enough.  We had to install a cover above the french doors leading out onto the patio.  I'm all about re-purposing and re-using because I'm very GREEN, watch DIY and am super cheap.  We salvaged the copper flashing off the original cover and rebuilt one using salavaged materials.  It was impossible to re-install the original cover as it must have weighed a ton and was inhabited by a family of bees.  More wildlife stories another day.

Hard at work adding the copper flashing to the cover. 

Typical....while I'm on the ladder working, Chad is on the phone.

Jennifer, Chad's wife, is the expert cabinet finisher.
 'Girls rule' on this project.

Once Jennifer finished the cabinets, the first box was unpacked holding the coffee pot.  No more early morning coffee runs.  Life is good!

Our first heavy equipment on the job with bucket truck for painting the second floor. 

Brian's mission: 
De-tudor the Tucker's Tudor House.

 We all know who insisted that he had to ride the bucket truck.