Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Milestones of the Week

Today begins WEEK 16 of this 10 week project, so we are right on schedule.  We pulled a late night last night (Tuesday) to finish up the flooring in my office.  Brooks only hit my fingers with the mallet two or three times.  The entire family now enjoys laying floor even if Tony doesn't look like he does.

Here is a photo of some of our helpers last week during the Christmas break.  Rebecca Drive was once a quiet neighborhood with no children until the Tuckers moved in.

Brooks Tucker, Josh & Ethan Daugherty - Demolition Experts

This may seem like a rather insignificant photo, but Tony did the sweetest thing for me.....installed the washing machine and dryer.  It's been sitting in the garage since September 21st so I've taken dirty clothes to the Pelham Laundrymat, next door to Nancy's and even all the way back to Ocilla.  I promise never to complain about laundry again!  It is a joy to wash and dry clothes in your own laundry room. 

Now my neighbors will not have to be embarrassed that such riff-raff has moved on Rebecca Drive.  Looks like a "redneck joke" for certain.

My clothes line in Pelham.  Sad, but true.

Just for fun, I thought I would add this picture of the Hand Building in downtown Pelham.  I just find this view of in the second floor window so funny.  I live with a house full of boys and know they have no modesty.  Look really close at the urinal that you can see in the window on the far right that you can easily see from the street level.

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