Sunday, January 23, 2011

An unwanted guest at the Tucker's house

Never a dull moment in our house.....or attic.  While growing up on the farm, one of my favorite hobbies was killing squirrels with my 410 gauge that my Grandaddy AB Walden gave me for my birthday.  I filled a box with squirrel tails over the years.  Mamma was not impressed with my collection when she discovered this special box in my bedroom years after I'd moved from home.  Those skills would come in valuable once again with the exception that Tony would not allow me to use the gun in the attic where a family of squirrels decided to reside.  So, we called in a professional trapper.  His business card said "bats, rodents, squirrels, snakes, bees, racoons and armadillos."  Late yesterday, he sat the trap in the eave of the house, and this morning we had success.  The trapper said, "this is much harder than it looks."  Looks like chicken wire to me.  He is very thorough with his job as he called to let me know the squirrel was a female, but was not nursing.

Just when you think all the demo is completed, we begin tearing out again.  The brick-laying cousin of Tony's came again this week to build new back steps, front steps and lay flat pavers on the stoop.  We decided to ask him to remove the asphalt walkway and replace it with brick.   

 As customary, a Tucker prefers to supervise.

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