Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 17 of Renovation Reality: Kitchen Gutted

The decision was made.  The kitchen had to go.  The countertops were removed and stored, then cabinets removed.  So all our groceries are stored in the back of the truck and all pots and pans stored in boxes in garage.  We have clothes in three closets now in three different houses....Camilla, Pelham and Mystic.  We have one washer/dryer that is 70 miles from our clothes   Packing for two out-of-town trips in one week involved strategic planning.  I've lost 3 1/2 pair of earrings in one week.  Every organizational skill I have (or had) is of no value at the moment.  We are living in DIY mode.  So looking on the bright side: 
  • we eat out every night, so no dirty dishes
  • we have no television, so great family time
  • we are blessed to have clothes in three closets
  • we love our new area and making many new friends
  • we know God has a plan for us living in this house, neighborhood and community,
  • and in the midst of adult-level chaos, the boys love every minute of it.

Here are some before and during pictures of kitchen renovation:

1 comment:

  1. Don't you need just ONE more job????? My goodness, what changes are taking place! Can't wait to see the finale!
