Saturday, October 16, 2010

Good news and not so good news.

The good news is that the air compressor is back in business after Chad found a part on an old compressor.  The not so good news that we didn't know when "it" would happen, but we knew "it" would happen sooner or later as it always does in remodeling projects.  The unexpected was uncovered and the "it" occurred.    A small rotten place in the dining room floor caused us to open up the sheetrock which showed signs of water damage.  The plywood was removed to find a hole in the roof at the corner of the dining room.  Yes, that open space at the top of the picture is daylight.  No solution yet.

Brick Mason says call Gutter Guy

We had a visitor to come and inspect the remodeling.  Ma found a location for reading by the fire. 

It's not all hard work at the Tuckers.  Sometime you need a break to play "Rockem' Sockem' Robots". 
 It's a battle between Contractor and Electrician in this round.

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