Saturday, October 9, 2010

Load-Bearing's down!!!!

In 1978, the typical floor plan was a small living room adjacent to a small den off of a small kitchen.  The largest project to-date in this renovation was to remove a load-bearing wall between the living room and den.  A few DIY shows later and a couple of check and double-check calculations by our next-door neighbor (Ray the engineer), our architect (Jason), our hardware guy (Rick) and the mailman, we agreed that we needed a engineered beam of almost 18 feet with a thickness of 6 inches.  First, two temporary walls were installed and the load-bearing wall was out of there.    The new beam easily went into place from the supervisory position I held.  We used liquid nail first and then joist hangers where the beam met the floor joists from the second floor.  Tony, being trained by my Daddy in the school of a few screws wouldn't hurt, asked that we drill a couple of bolts through the beam.  Again thinking like my Daddy..... if three bolts would work, then 10 bolts would work better!  The photos below depict our very successful day Friday. We have completed 13 days of work as of Friday.

David ponders if we should really take down the last support.

So, I make the decision to remove the last stud.


  1. WOW!!!!! I really need to come check out the work. I mean, I know the engineer neighbor does a great job, I just want to see it with my own eyes!!!

  2. Oh...I also agree with the statement of if 6 screws are good, well 10 is better!!! At Christmas, I use more tape to wrap presents than Grandma Becky!! See you soon!!!
