Saturday, October 2, 2010

All you can see is STUDS

Everywhere you look downstairs, all you can see is STUDS.  We are now into Day 7 of tearing out anything that touches anything that we've already torn down.  I even put a sign up in the house that our theme was now "BUILD IT BACK".  But apparently, we like demo much more than renovation. 

To date, we have torn out the following:
  • the wall between the small living room and den
  • the arched openings off either side of the foyer entering the living room and the dining room
  • the half bath downstairs
  • the fireplace facade
  • the staircase
  • the laundry room (that will become the half bath)
  • the pantry (that will become the laundry room)
  • the coat closet (just because)
  • the air return closet (again, just because)
  • the laundry shoot that we thought Brooks shouldn't know about (that will become the hot water heater storage closet)
The list of things to date that we didn't mean to destroy include:
  • the outdoor light that Brooks broke playing football on the day we moved in
  • the new air compressor that took a direct hit from falling sheetrock from the ceiling

Few more pictures of the demo stage are enclosed for your amusement.
    Chad and David enjoying demo days!
    The former air compressor (September 20, 2010 - October 1, 2010)
    The pantry to be laundry room across from the laundry room to be half bath.

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