Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 6 of 10-week project

Today marks the beginning of Week 6 and so far we are on schedule.  I'm really liking the progress that's occurring this week.  Paul Wisham and Sons (and grandson) are experts at hanging drywall.  They moved in your house like a troop on a mission each with assigned duties.  Mr. Wisham's term for drywall is "ROCK".  So we are hanging ROCK today in an assembly line fashion.

Wisham and Company hanging "rock".

Another project that is underway is building an arched opening from the foyer to the kitchen.  Something about the theme of the arched front doors and influence of the tudor theme or whatever.......

Chad and David creating one of three arches.

Next project is installing the new windows.  I selected the window company based on the desire for them to be made in Georgia if possible.  Found a window and door company in Monroe, GA called "Tucker Door and Trim".  No relation, thus no family discount. 

Brooks standing in family room window opening.  Note dumpster in the background that is full of the 2nd load of debris from our "little" renovation.  It certainly makes it easy to give directions to our house.  "Just turn on Rebecca Drive, and we are the house with the dumpster."

My gloves on Monday morning thanks to a group of practical jokers working in our house.  

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